Private eyes of mine

Archive for June 17, 2010


We are living in this world where the creator has destined us with a task and thus opted for our existence.There is not anyone in this whole world whose any one day of his life has not been a meaningful one with a purpose though had been of so bitter, boring, howsoever dull ,uncharismatic one. If we try to realize the same moment may also had some intricate value to we ourselves or to someone else.Thus not a single day of anyone’s life is uneventful or has no significance be it for the seamstress or a queen, a slum dog boy or a millionaire, a movie star or a peasant, a philosopher or a Down’s syndrome child.Everyday of our life consciously or unconsciously we are performing some acts which has an impact on ourselves or to someone around us. We hardly recognize the significance of this little act of ours to the mass.Every small thing like a smile on the face, a meager charitable event, a soothing words of hope , a small gesture of kindness, a remembrance of a birthday or event shall echo to the infinity, The life thus led would be the one aspired for. Life is not immortal but the deeds are. Tongue is a double edged sword which can make or mar a relationship.As a good words had the impact to the better of a livelihood, the opposite does also has an impact. A small act of meanness, an expression of hatred, a lust for the self , an envious act, a selfish deed would lead to the root of evil. All humans are so intricately entangled to each other that our lives have a profound impact on the society. A society is made by individuals and by the symphony in them. Survival of tapestry is based on every minute deeds of every single individual and the strength of the bond.Humanity rests not only in the hope of everyone but rather in the hands of everyone.Obliged to strive for the best should be the motto of all of us.Thus every momentous day of our life is the core for the generations to come and the way they leave and lead.So this day is the one we savior had the rays of hope for the tomorrow to come.
