Private eyes of mine

Posts tagged “Abdominal aorta




Vertebra Type Paired A/P


inferior phrenic T12 Parietal yes P originates just below the diaphragm, supplying it from below
celiac T12 Visceral no A
  1. left gastric a.
  2. splenic a.
    1. short gastric arteries (6)
    2. splenic arteries (6)
    3. left gastroepiploic a.
  3. hepatic a.
    1. cystic a.
    2. right gastric a.
    3. gastroduodenal a.
      1. right gastroepiploic a.
      2. superior pancreaticoduodenal a.
  4. right hepatic a.
  5. left hepatic a.
superior mesenteric L1 Visceral no A
  1. jejunal and ileal arteries
  2. inferior pancreaticoduodenal a.
  3. middle colic a.
  4. right colic a.
  5. ileocolic a.
    1. anterior cecal a.
    2. posterior cecal a. – appendicular a.
    3. ileal a.
    4. colic a.
middle suprarenal L1 Visceral yes P to adrenal gland
renal L1 Visceral yes P large artery, each arising from the side of the aorta; supplies corresponding kidney; arises in the transpyloric plane
gonadal L2 Visceral yes P ovarian artery in females; testicular artery in males
lumbar L1-L4 Parietal yes P four on each side that supply the abdominal wall and spinal cord
inferior mesenteric L3 Visceral no A
  1. left colic a.
  2. sigmoid arteries (2 or 3)
  3. superior rectal a.
median sacral L4 Parietal no P  
common iliac L4 Terminal yes P
  1. external iliac a.
  2. internal iliac a.

 Source: wikipedia